In order to hire a hero, you have to find out the name first. You can get the names from the mystic and share them with your alliance. Each age, the names of the heroes are randomized and have to be found again.
Heroes can be hired once you get to level 3 via the Quest screen (it costs MP and gold, but only if it was succesful). To hire a hero you have to be on the right continent and the hero must be alive and not currently being hired by any other player. When you succesfully hired the hero, it will grant you unique benefits, but you will also have to pay gold or some other upkeep each season for most heroes.
Heroes can also die in battle or can be removed from you via espionage or spells. When a hero was killed, it takes more than 24 hours until the hero is alive again and can be rehired. A cleric can revive a dead hero anytime though.
The Alchemist[]
This hero will generate 1-6 random magic items each season. This number will be increased to 2-8 magic items if he is paired with The Chest of Plenty.
(Note: He will not generate nor increase the uses of any magic items you already possess.)
This hero has 25% chance to find a secret each season, these could be the name of heroes, the location of artifacts or clues to the secret city. Keep in mind that most secrets are continent specific. (e.g. you can't find the city of an artifact in England when you are in Ireland)
Each battle he gives random buffs to all of your (not immutable) troops - these could be either 20% bonus attack, 20% bonus defense, defiance, 1 more attack count or regeneration. (Note: Check Troops stats for more information.)
This tinkerer prefers solace where he can pour over ancient tomes and manuscripts in his quest for immortality. His scars document his many failed attempts.
The Barbarian Leader[]
He gives reinforcements each battle, the unit type is barbarian and the amount is small (50% of the base army). This number will increase to large (100% of the base army) if paired with Thor's Hammer.
He will grant an augmented longship with extra health (Hull) when hired. Note that the max health of the longship is the same as other longships meaning when it gets damaged below the Max number it can only be restored to a regular longship.
Note: This hero can only give one free ship every 12 hours and never twice to the same player in a row.
If this hero is paired with a Barbarian, who also has the Thor's hammer, he will also give a 10% buff to both, attack and defense, of all the non-immutable troops in the army.
This hero can not be hired by a Cleric.
From the cold north comes the most fearsome raider to plague the land,bringing with him his endless hordes and fiercely loyal dire wolf companion.
The Bishop[]
Use divine skills as Cleric half your level rounded up. The skills available to use are Divination at level 1, Grace and Seek at level 3, Bless and Slay at level 5, Turn undead at level 7 and Sanctuary at level 9.
Note: The effectiveness of the skills is based on the player level.
This hero will require a gold tithe each season (except the upkeep) which amounts to 10% of the total gold.
This hero can not be hired Bandits or Vampires.
The Bishop is a former knight and veteran of many crusades.Though he has traded his weapons for ceremonial staffs,it is rumored he is one of the best swordsmen in the realm.
The Dark Priestess[]
She can use defensive skills after each battle. The skills she can use is one of either Grace, Bless, Resurrect and Sanctuary - see Cleric page.
Note: The effectiveness of these skills is based ln the player's level.
If this hero is paired with a Cleric, who also has The Holy Grail, she will also give 10% buff to both the attack and defense of all the non-immutable units in the army.
This hero can not be hired by Bandits or Vampires.
The Dark Priestess' purity was unquestioned until she was corrupted by the Lord of Madness.Now she seeks to atone for whatever crimes she has committed,be they real or imagined.
The Destroyer[]
He has a 60 % chance of casting either Famine, Fireball or Flamestrike during attacks - see Mage page for info on spells.
He decreases the chance of death when trying to become a new master Vampire when hired by a Fighter.
He has a 25 % chance of corrupting 3-10 % of the food gained as loot from attacks.
He can not be hired by clerics.
This being is rumored to be a sentient Elemental,who somehow overpowered it's master and escaped into the realm.His identity and purpose remains a mystery.
The Diplomat[]
He prevents demotions.
He allows the player to enter or leave locked cities.
He allows safe passage past bandits and pirates.
He summons reinforcements from a random alliance each battle
With his legendary oratory skills,the Diplomat believes any problem can be resolved with charm,wit,and a glass of wine.
The Dragon[]
Cast spells as Mage half your level rounded up. The spells available to cast are Gender at level 1, Control Weather, Create Food, Fireball and True Sight at level 3. Chaos, Forget, Giant, Polymorph and Strength at level 5.Famine, Move, Shadow Warriors and Teleport at level 7. Enchant, Flame Strike, Sleep and Vanish at level 9. See Mage for info on spells.
Note: The spells he can cast require magic components and are not affected by discount when casted from the city of Jasmon.
He has a 40 % chance of casting Flame Strike during attacks.
He claims 5% of the gold gained as loot from every battle.
This ancient monster,one of the largest of its kind,has a seemingly insatiable appetite for destruction and the smell of burning corpses.
The Elven Highlord[]
Use nature skills as Ranger half level rounded up. The skills available to use are Vision at level 1, Seek at level 3, Tend and Summon at level 5, Commune at level 7 and Shield at level 9. See Ranger for info on the skills.
Note: The effectiveness of skills is based on the player's level.
When this hero is hired by a Ranger,he grants a medium(75%) animal horde reinforcements (boars,wolves or bears) each battle.
When hired by a Ranger who also has The Bow of Might he gives a 10% buff to both attack and defense of all non-immutable units in the army.
He takes 10% of food every season as tithe.
Can not be hired by Bandits or Vampires.
"Steward of the Forest" is one of his many titles and the Elven Highlord is friend to all animals and Rangers alike and sworn enemy to all others.
The General of Chaos[]
He gives a 20% buff to attack of your signature troops if they're not immutable.
He attracts 200 signature troops per level to your campaign army each season. This can not exceed your maximum housing.
He allows you to train your troops with zero gold (it still costs mp though).
When he faces the General of Order in battle, both of them will die.
Can not be hired by Clerics, Mages or Rangers.
Anarchist. Insurgent. Agitator. The General serves only to bring chaos to an orderly realm.
The General of Order[]
He gives a 20% defense buff to signature troops if they're not immutable.
He attracts 200 signature troops per level to your campaign army each season.This can not exceed your maximum housing.
He allows training to cost zero gold (it still costs MP though).
When he faces the General of Chaos they both die.
Can not be hired by Barbarians, Mages or Vampires.
Champion. Loyalist. Uniter. The General serves only to bring order to a chaotic realm.
The Giant of Jasmon[]
He can increase the number of enemy structures captured by one. Note that since the amount of loot is based on number of structures captured this effectively increases the loot gained. This will allow you to take a structure with zero siege weapons or take 4 with the optimal amount of siege weapons.
He summons reinforcements each battle. They are all Giants and the amount is between 8 to 800 Giants summoned.
He reduces the MP cost of sailing by half. He also protects you from the Kraken.
He has a 25% chance each season to kill between 1% to 10% of your troops.
Some say the Giant was a normal man who never stopped growing. Whatever the truth,this hulking brute now roams the land in search of carnage.
The Lord of Madness[]
During each attack he can either inflict 1-5% casualties in the enemy army(they go berserk and attack each other), end the battle immediately with no casualties(they will flee the battle) and the attacker as the winner,make the enemy deal zero damage in the first day(they freeze in terror)or force the enemy reinforcments to flee the battle(the enemy army break their treaty with their allies).
When he is paired with The Rod of Necromancy, he prolongs life by 12 hours.
He has a 15% chance to take 5-15% of peasants taken as loot from battles.
He can not be hired by Clerics.
To ask about the Lord of Madness is to invite him into your dreams.His true name is unknown,and some say speaking his chosen name may cause him to appear.
The Master Farmer[]
He grants a random amount of land, peasants and food each season.
He allows you to use the nature skill Tend (see Ranger skills). The effectiveness of the skill is based on your level.
He reduces the amount of food spoilage by 5%.
He grants the enlisted peasants (first level units in each army) 20% buff to both attack and defense and also adds the swarm ability to them. For more information check Troops stats.
The Master Farmer is always barefoot to enhance his connection with the Earth. And his ability to grow crops from even the most barren soil is unmatched.
The Mercenary General[]
He summons reinforcements equal to 100% of base army each battle. The unit type is random.
He takes 20% of gold taken as loot each battle.
While the General holds no official rank, though he has taken many honorary titles, he is a master tactician and his armies have changed the outcome of many battles.
The Merchant King[]
He allows you to bypass the level required to purchase a city. Note: You will lose the city if the hero dies.
At the end of each battle, he will salavage equipments for gold. The amount of gold earned is random but based on the amount of casualties.
He allows you to buy goods tax-free in the marketplace.
The Merchant King's negotiating skills are as legendary as his thriftiness.It is rumored he made his first gold convincing peasants to purchase his "all-in-one"tonic.The tonic had no effect.
The Necromancer[]
He transforms all of your troops except signature troops into undead when recruited, this happens for your army in other continents as well. He also allows raising the dead from the cemetery.
If he dies all of your troops are turned to dust.
Can not be hired by Clerics.
One of the most feared men in the realm, the Necromancer has unlocked the ability to turn living beings into the Undead. He is the target of many assassinations and is guarded by a pair of Lich Drakes.
The Ninja[]
He has a 25% chance of breaking an alliance during attacks.
He makes your spies to have 100% success chance when spying and a 5% bonus to espionage.
Having this hero will make espionage attempts on you to have 10% less chance of success.
After the attack he has 15% chance of killing the enemy hero.
He increases the gold gained as loot from battles by 5%.
If hired by a bandit who also has The Dagger of Venom he also grants 10% bonus to both attack and defense of all not-immutable troops in the army.
He can not be hired by Clerics.
The Ninja is a master of shadows and by the time he is detected his target is already dead.His infamy stems in part from his vibrating palm technique,which can slay foes with barely a touch.
The Queen of Spiders[]
She has a 40% chance to steal 1 attack from enemy when attacking.
She grants you Druid skills half your level(rounded up). It gives you the skill Control Winds at level 3, Summon Elementals at level 5, Frostbite at level 7 and Snare at level 9.
Rumored to be hundreds of years old, the Queen of Spiders commands all that creep, crawl and burrow. She wields the Dagger of Sorrows, which laments its many victims whenever it is unsheathed.
The Titan[]
He gives 40% bonus to both attack and defense and also grants shield attribute to all of your not-immutable troops (check Troops stats for more information).
He has a 25% chance of casting Meteor Storm spell during attacks (see Mage spells).
When this hero is lost, you will lose between 1 to 5 % of your structures.
According to legend, this divine being must serve the realm for 999 days before he can return to his rightful throne. However, he was cursed when cast out and his time in the realm is reset each death.
The Vampire[]
He can mask your true name during battles.
He can summon undead reinforcements each battle. The amount is 50 % of the base army.
He allows you to cast the Vampire spell Pestilence. The effectiveness of the spell depend on your level and destroys a random amount of food between 5-15% minimum, and between 10-20% at maximum power. Note: This spell reduces your honour.
He can protect you from all dark magic (vampire spells). These include Ritual, Pestilence and Beguile.
You can Not Slay Vampires when you have this hero.
Can not be hired by Bandits and Vampires.
Once a vile servant of darkness, the Vampire was convinced to repent by the Dark Priestess and now atones for his crimes by aiding the living.
The Warlock[]
He casts one of the following spells during every attack: Chaos, Famine, Fireball, Flame strike, Forget, Mealstorm, Rampage, Shadow warriors, Sleep, Strength and Vanish -see Mage spells for more info. Note: He won't cast any spell that doesn't work at that situation.
When he is hired by a Mage, who also has The Staff of Magi, he adds 10% bonus to both attack and defense of all the not-immutable troops in the army.
The Warlock is one of the most powerful mages in the realm. Though he is frequently invited to join the High Mage Council,he prefers the life of a drifter,offering his services to any that can afford him.
The White Knight[]
He gives 20% bonus to both the attack and defense of every not-immutable cavalry unit in the army.
When hired by a Fighter, he gives a 15% bonus to jousting and also he summons 200 Knight per level to the campaign army each season.
When hired by a Fighter, who also has The Sword of Power he further adds a 10% bonus to both attack and defense of all the not-immutable troops in the army.
Can not be hired by Bandits or Vampires.
The White Knight's tale is one of corruption, greed, lust, and murder and the story grows ever fanciful with each new passage added by the bards of the realm.