Conquest! New Age Wiki

Fighters are the default class and the easiest to learn.Fighters can change class,organise jousts and prevent ships from sailing to and from a continent. Class Difficulty: Easy.

General info[]

This class is honour bound and uses honour for promotion and demotion,gaining mp and imperial guards while promoting,preventing the loss of imperial guards and using joust.

Lands per structure: 1000

Troops per structure: 500

Fighters have 3 base attacks and this number is increased by one every two levels.

Fighters recieve 40 mp each season and this number is increased by 10 each level after level 3.

Class bonus[]

Having won 75% of jousts,having high honour and wielding the Sword of Power .

Note: The Holy Grail gives a bonus to class bonus for all honour bound classes.

Note:class bonus affects the success chance of most of the random rolls.

Training hall[]

Recruiting imperial guards require good or higher honour and is always successful if the honour requirement is met.

Structures and armies[]


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Grants combat bonuses to all troops.

At level 2 it gives 10% defense bonus to all of the immutable troops in the army,at level 4 it also adds a 10% bonus to attack and at level 6 it adds the swarm as well.(for more info check Troops stats )


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Summons troops to your campaign army each Season.

At level 3,it summons between 100-200 troops (first two tiers),at level 5,it summons 200-300 troops (first three tiers) and at level 7,it summons 300-400 troops(first four tiers).

When you reach level 10 it also summons signature troops each seasons.


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Bonus when using joust.

It grants 5% bonus to joust score at level 4,10% bonus to score at level 5 and 15% bonus to score at level 6.

Note: It is used regardless of who has started the joust.

At level 10 they recieve a 20% bonus to joust score.


Change Class[]

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Choose different path(Change class)

It is unlocked at level 3.This skill allows you to change to other classes,including Vampire.The success chance is 100% for all the classes except but Vampire which it is 55% at base and is increased by 5% each level,this number is increased by 15% when the Destroyer is hired.Note that when you fail,you die.

It doesn't cost an attack,requires 10 mp amd 15000 gold.

It can be used while protected.


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Joust random player for land and honour.

It is unlocked at level 4.It picks a random target then calculates a score for both sides,the one with a bigger score wins the joust(if it results in a tie the joust initiator wins the joust).The winner gains 2% of the target's land (capped at 2000) and gains some honour,the loser loses some honour.

It doesn't cost an attack,requires 4 mp and some gold depending on level.

It can be used while protected.

It can be used on someone who is protected.


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Grants large amount of movement points once per day.

It is unlocked at level 5.It gives one season's worth of mp.Using this skills doesn't cost mp or attacks but it can only be used once per day.


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prevents seas travel from/to continent for 1 hour.

It is unlocked at level 9.The blockade Can be byassed but the bigger/more ships,the lower the chances.It can also affects the user.It also prevents invasions from and to the continent.It has 30% chance of success and can be used only once per season in a continent.It prevents naval battles as well.

It doesnt cost an attack,requires 30 mp and 500000 gold and one ship.

It can be used while protected.

When you reach level 10 the base chance of success is increased to 60%.
