Bards are master story-tellers and excel at buffing alliance members. Bards can strengthen troops, inspire peasants to gather goods or magical items, or summon immortal reinforcements. Class difficulty: Medium
General info[]
This class is honour bound.(low requirements,honour is used for promotion,getting signature troops and class bonus.)
Land per structure: 900
Troops per structure: 400
Base number of attacks: 3 (note that this number increases by 1 every two levels starting from level 3)
Base mp gain per season: 35 (note that this number increases by 10 every level starting from level 4)
Bards have lower than average gold gain from taxes.
Bards recieve average food each season.
Bards have higher than average peasants production each season.
Bards can drink in the taverns for free.
Class Bonus[]
Having more alliance members and having high honour and having a song active.
Note: The Holy Grail gives a bonus to class bonus for all honour bound classes.
Note that class bonus affects the success chance of most random events rolls.
Training hall[]
Training signature troops require good honour at least and the chance of success is 100% If that condition is met.
Structures and Armies[]
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Bards can use Fighter , Barbarian or Bandit troops.
They can change the troops type in the barracks by using 10 mp and 100 times their level gold,but doing so will remove 50% of their army.
Jack of All Trades[]
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Gives bonus to all save throws.
The bonus is 5% at level 2,10% at level 4 and 15% at level 6. This number increases to 20% at level 10.
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Grants bonus movement points for each member in your alliance.
The amount of bonus mp is 1 per each member per season at level 3 and this number is increased to 2 at level 4 and 3 at level 5.
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Grants movement points discount when playing songs.
It grants discount for mp cost of song upkeeps per hour and the amount is 10% at level 5,20% at level 7 and 30% at level 9.
Only one bard song can be active on an alliance and a new one ends the old one.
Songs will end automatically when the bard singing them has his season changed.
When songs are ended by any means they wont use up the mp upkeep.
The upkeep is paid at every hour mark and most song benefits are given at the hour mark as well. The upkeep is reduced before the song effect is applied and if the bard's mp is not sufficient to pay the upkeep the song will end before it gives its benefits at the hour mark.
The song will also end at the hour mark if the bard is currently at a continent within which they can't sing that particular song due to lower levels.
Songs affect all members regardless of their continents.
All songs (except the song of counter) have 90% chance of success.
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Ends your current song.
Unlocked at level 1.
It costs 5 mp.
Song of Valor[]
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Grants small bonuses to all troops for each member.
It is unlocked at level 2.
It grants a 10% buff to attack and defense of all of the not immutable troops in the army of all of the alliance members.
The effects are active as long as the song is active.
The initial cost is 5 mp and 100K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 10.
Song of Luck[]
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First skill used against each member every hour fails.
It is unlocked at level 3.
It grants a 100% save throw for all members in the alliance but this effect can only trigger once per hour at max for each member.
The effects are active as long as the song is active.
The initial cost is 10 mp and 100K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 10.
Song of Plenty[]
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Produce food and gold for each member every hour.
It is unlocked at level 4.
It grants the same gold and food as gained by an expedition with the quality of the troops determined by levels. It considers the lower level between the bard and the target(level of active continents).
The effects are applied at the hour mark.
The initial cost is 10 mp and 150K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 20 mp.
Song of Counter[]
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End song playing in rival alliance once per Season.
It is unlocked at level 5.
If successful it disrupts the song playing in the target alliance.
The base chance of success is 60% and it is affected by Class bonus and the level difference between the bard using the skill and the bard singing the song in the target alliance.
It can only be used once per season per continent.
It costs an attack and removes protection while used.
The mp cost os 15.
Song of Reveille[]
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Summons living troops for each member every hour.
It is unlocked at level 6.
The amount of troops and troops tier summoned depend on the levels(considers the lower level between the bard and the target on their active continent).
It summons between 200-300 of the first two tier units for levels 1-4, between 200-300 of the first three tier troops for levels 5-6, between 300-400 of the first four tier troops for levels 7-9 to the campaign army every hour. If the target is using Fighter troops and both the bard and the target are level 10 they will recieve between 400-500 of the first 5 tier troops every hour.
The effects are applied at the hour mark.
The initial cost is 15 mp and 150K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 20 mp.
Song of Craft[]
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Produce magical items for each member every hour.
It is unlocked at level 7.
It grants between 2-4 magical items per hour.
The effects are applied at the hour mark.
The initial cost is 20 mp and 200K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 40 mp.
Song of Haste[]
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It is unlocked at level 8.
Double movement points gained for each member every 15 minutes.
It grants an extra 5 mp for all members every 15 minutes (the last one at the hour mark is given after the upkeep is reduced).
The effects are applied as long as the song is active.
The initial cost is 20 mp and 200K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 40 mp.
Song of Celestial[]
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Each member receives immortal reinforcements when defending.
It is unlocked at level 9.
The amount of reinforcements is 50% of the army.
The effects are applied as long as the song is active.
The initial cost is 30 mp and 500K gold. The base mp cost for upkeep is 40 mp.